Germany: Legal changes 2015
With each new year law, Amended regulations or prices. Einige wichtige Änderungen:
Health insurance:
On January 1, the contribution rate is reduced to the statutory health insurance from now 15,5 to 14,6 Percent. Workers and employers each pay half. The previous special amount of 0,9 Percent, the employer no longer had to pay alone. However, the health insurance companies can charge their members an income-related additional contribution.

Pension insurance:
Contribution rate for pension insurance decreases.
From 1. January 2015 decreases the contribution rate to the statutory pension to 0,2 Percentage points of 18,9 to 18,7 Percent.

Raising the retirement age for retirement at 67:
On the way to bond with 67 increase the retirement age to continue. Thus, the normal retirement age for increases 1950 Born insured, the next year 65 and are not subject to the protection of legitimate regulations, about a month 65 Years and four months.

Beitragssatz care insurance increases:
The contribution rate to the statutory term care increases from 1. January 2015 from 2,05 to 2,35 Percent. Childless pensioners, after the 31. December 1939 were born, pay an additional premium surcharge of 0,25 Percent, So then total 2,60 Percent. The dependency contribution is payable by the compulsory insurance pensioners alone.

Care strengthening laws:
By maintaining strengthening laws contributions to the long-term care in two steps by a total are 0,5 Increased contribution rate points. As a result, there are five billion euros more per year for improvement of care services available. 1,2 Billion euros flow into a long-term care funds. Overall, the care insurance can to 20 Percent increase.

Hartz 4 Increase services:
Der Eck-Regelsatz steigt ab 2015 one 2,04 Percent of currently 391 Euro on 399 Euros for singles and single parents.

New postage:
For example, the fee for a standard letter to 20 Grams in the national dispatch of currently 0,60 € on future 0,62 € increased, at the same time the fee for the compact letter to 50 Grams in the national dispatch of currently 0,90 € on future 0,85 € lowered.

Minimum wage:
For the first time applies in Germany from 1. January 2015 a statutory minimum of 8,50 Euro. 3,7 Million people will benefit from it.

Rudolf Sagner
Jobagentur Europe