Government wants to 2020 round 94 pay billion euros for refugees

Berlin (Reuters) – The federal government calculated to supply the refugees According to a magazine report to 2020 with costs of around 93,6 billion euro.
The news magazine “The mirror” quoted on Saturday from a formation, the Ministry of Finance for the negotiations with the countries, according to which the costs of around 16,1 Billion euros this year 20,4 Billion in 2020 climb. are also includes spending on combating the causes of flight in crisis regions. In their estimation, the officials from Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble walked away from, that this year 600.000 join refugees to Germany, next year 400.000 and in subsequent years each 300.000.
Federal and state governments argue about the amount of refugee costs and the participation of the Federal mind. So the countries already quoted for this year, the cost of five billion euros higher than the Bund 21 calling billion euros, that the federal government pays half of it. After a failed federal-peak round on 22. April end of May will now try a solution at another high-level meeting. The round at German Chancellor Angela Merkel had agreed to, that until 12. May should be clarified, as the total cost of federal government, States and municipalities will be charged.
the “Spiegel” According to the officials of the Treasury estimate for benefits alone at recognized asylum seekers, especially Hartz IV payments and rent subsidies, 25,7 Billion euros in the same period. For language courses 5,7 calculated billion euros, for integration assistance to working life 4,6 billion. 55 Percent of recognized refugees would pursue the opinion of the Ministry experts after five years of work.
SATURDAY, 14. MAY 2016 10:49 GMT